How To See The Red Arrows at Hawarden Airport | August 2023

How To See The Red Arrows at Hawarden Airport | August 2023

Hawarden Airport is preparing for an exhilarating weekend as the world-renowned Red Arrows display team gears up to showcase their high-speed maneuvers and formation flying at the Rhyl Air Show on the 26th and 27th of August, 2023.

With two days of jaw-dropping action, aviation enthusiasts and casual spectators alike will have plenty of opportunities to witness the spectacle.

The Red Arrows departing at Blackpool Airport by Owen Fleming Photography

For the best ground-level view of the Red Arrows' arrival, taxiing, preparation, departure, and formation flying, head to the newly opened "Beluga Bank" viewing platform at Chocks Away Diner. This elevated viewing area offers unobstructed views of the runway and the surrounding airfield, providing an ideal vantage point for watching the Red Arrows perform.

Here's the estimated movement times for the Red Arrows at Hawarden Airport:

Saturday, 26th August

  • Arrival: 13:45
  • Departure for Rhyl Air Show: 16:49
  • Arrival after air show: 17:29

Sunday, 27th August

  • Departure for Rhyl Air Show: 16:19
  • Arrival from air show: 16:59
  • Departure back home: 19:15

While at Hawarden Airport, spectators can also look forward to the Strikemaster Pair display team, which is scheduled to perform at 16:00 on Saturday and 14:00 on Sunday.

For those who prefer to catch the action in the sky, head to the Rhyl Air Show, where the Red Arrows will put on their high-flying displays at 16:30 on both Saturday and Sunday. Their awe-inspiring stunts and formation flying are sure to thrill the crowds and leave a lasting impression.

Official graphic for Rhyl Air Show Schedule

Whether you prefer to watch the Red Arrows from the Beluga Bank at Hawarden Airport or catch their aerial acrobatics at the Rhyl Air Show, you're in for a thrilling weekend of aviation excitement. Remember to bring your camera, as you won't want to miss the chance to capture some stunning shots of these skilled pilots in action.

All timings are subject to change.

Stay tuned for more updates by following Airliners Live on Twitter.

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